

 Holy shit, I'm self-conscious.   Okay, so it's been a while, huh? Tell me about it, I've been up to my cock in coursework and needed some time away, working on a blog as well as music, classes, a relationship, and general life can be hard when you want to do your best in all of them, so I came to a decision.   From now on, PRPM content will be done in the form of videos on my Bitchute , the first of which can be found here: I know I'm a bit late to the alt-tech party, but I want to do something right, and if that means doing it now then that's fine. Ultimately, I feel like this will be a better form of content, since I realize that most people don't have the attention span for blogs, and I wasn't on a larger platform to broadcast myself to a newer audience.  [Expect more in the future, see you soon] -Em. 

SNP: Civil War. How false accusations may cause the death of Scotland's most notorious party (4.3.21)

 Hey there, everyone! I'm back with another hot, sticky, information load to glaze your face with. It's been quite a week, trying to keep on top of college work has made things pretty sparse over here, and instead of simply apologizing every post like I have been, I'll just focus on creating good content, because ultimately constraining myself to a routine hasn't worked well. First up on the chopping block, we're taking a look back to my fatherland to talk about the current state of the SNP Civil War that's been going on for that last little while, as it's reached a new point where things may hang in the balance for the current acting First Minister: Fish lips, the talking plank of authoritarian wood! Jokes aside, I hope that the Scottish authorities don't find me, because I don't have the clout to get out of it the same way that Dankula did (Nor the sense of humour). Now, for those not in the know whether intentionally or unintentionally, this story

Flip Flop: SAGE's hands firm in their stance up PM Johnson's ass (23.2.21)

 Hey there, ya dirty punks! Hope you're all doing well in this alternate timeline we all seem to share the pain of existing in. Well, we're doing another news dump today, so let's pull off today's soiled Huggies and see what's cooking! Now, as you are no doubt aware, we've heard the unsurprising announcement that the "road to freedom" touted by the government in the UK all but a few butt-fucking days ago, is already being walked back on by not only the PM and human shaped punching back Hancock, but the snake oil salesman in SAGE too. As it stands, we're looking at maybe 8 weeks before we can see people, and that is with intensive restrictions, on a blue moon... and a leap year... and when the fucking planets align, do you need a more clear bit of proof that these fucks are gaming you? I've already made my opinion crystal clear on lockdown, it's a sham! A snowjob, a nothingburger with everything but the pickles for god's sake. COVID-19 i

Disconnection: Life outside the wheel of perpetual anger and a personal note. (22.02.21)

 Hey there! It's been a little while, Punks, and for that I apologize. I thought today that I'd act as your surrogate step-dad and sit you down for an important talk, especially at the moment. We talk about a lot of politics on PRPM, not just because it's important, but because it's a better way of dealing with the world today than simply living disconnected from all of its events, but I have learned recently that living in the headlines is a frustrating, depressing and isolating thing when done in the extreme. I've been following the Coronatarian catastrophe since we basically got holed up in this back in March, and spent my 19th birthday kicking a beer can down the road, cigarette in tow, the feeling of isolation was masked by the novelty of it back then. Now we're almost a year in, and things have changed a lot for people. What I can say for certain about this whole situation though that has been good is the political literacy of the world has been improved.

Discq Driver - AD/DC (Part 2: From "Powerage" to "Back In Black" ) 14.2.21 - Valentine's Day Special

 Locked? Yes, cocked? Fuck yeah, rocked? Not yet, but we will be! Hello and welcome to the second part of our AC/DC marathon! My name is Em and I had to take a quick break after the first part, listening to boomer rock for too long can do bad things to your hairline, but that's past now. I've got a can of Rogaine, boomer juice and nothin' to lose, let's rock! For those unaware, this is part two of an ongoing series to chart each and every AC/DC album, so if you wanna start from the top, then I'll include a link for those wanting to learn where this band started. Right here! Last we left off, the year was 1978, and we begin our tour with Powerage. Now, aside from the fact that on the cover it looks like a certain orange man, this record didn't really do it for me. Now, I don't know if that's a hot take or anything, I don't quite care, but compared to the record preceding it, this wasn't a very interesting endeavour. If you like bluesier rock