SNP: Civil War. How false accusations may cause the death of Scotland's most notorious party (4.3.21)

 Hey there, everyone! I'm back with another hot, sticky, information load to glaze your face with. It's been quite a week, trying to keep on top of college work has made things pretty sparse over here, and instead of simply apologizing every post like I have been, I'll just focus on creating good content, because ultimately constraining myself to a routine hasn't worked well.

First up on the chopping block, we're taking a look back to my fatherland to talk about the current state of the SNP Civil War that's been going on for that last little while, as it's reached a new point where things may hang in the balance for the current acting First Minister: Fish lips, the talking plank of authoritarian wood! Jokes aside, I hope that the Scottish authorities don't find me, because I don't have the clout to get out of it the same way that Dankula did (Nor the sense of humour).

Now, for those not in the know whether intentionally or unintentionally, this story concerns the current FM, Nicola Sturgeon, and the formed SNP leader, a man by the name of Alex Salmond. Now, while I cannot comment on the state of Scotland and how it's last two leaders of the most popular political party may be freaky fish people, nor the state of their involvement with Kanye West in any interactions, sexual or not, what I can say is that these two were close, really close. Sturgeon was by Salmond's side. Between 1999 when she was simply the MSP for the Glasgow area, and up to 2014, when she left the role of Deputy First Minister to take up the mantle as the SNP figurehead, there was a clear and concise effort by Salmond to prepare Sturgeon for leadership, which came with Scotland's decision to stay within the union and Salmond's departure from the party in the face of that result. Now, I don't know the politics of Salmond very well, he was before my time as a conscious political thinker, but what I do know was that Sturgeon swung the party left, FAR LEFT. Salmond may have been a moderate left-leaning minister, and I agree with a good few of his views (Allowing for Scotland's dissolved powers from Westminster, campaigning and being clear on his intentions to work on better environmental policy in the face of global warming, and his focus on renewable energy, though I don't like how any of these have been done by his party), Sturgeon is a red-faced quasai-commie, who's overreaching politics and law have turned a number of Scots against the party, though sadly not enough to prevent their absolute decimation of competing parties in each election since 2015.

How Scotland Votes: A Guide to the General Election

We all know already of Scotland's free-speech bill, the one which will prevent even this post from being made because of it's "potentially offensive" content (I.E. Making fun of authority), and the many cases where Scottish courts have taken innocent people to jail or a fine over jokes or tweets, this is all under the guise of Sturgeon, and her cabinet of like-minded comrades.

However, in 2018 a very interesting event occurred, the one that has brought all of today's events on, and what may soon spell death for the SNP's current leadership. Now, in August of that year, Alex Salmond resigned in response to allegations dating back to 2013 over sexual misconduct, this was according to some female members of the SNP. Him, being smart enough to see the shitshow ahead stood down and said that he'd return to the SNP and reapply once he had the chance to clear his name. However, on the 30th of that month he began crowdfunding money to pay for a judicial review into the fairness of the process, as he was under the impression that the Scottish Government had been up to foul play.

On September of that year the Government had conceded that it had acted with flawed procedures, and paid the former FM £500,000, but that was not the case complete.

The Scottish Government that year had breached its own guidelines, on its own admission, this was due to hiring an investigating officer who had "prior involvement" with the case at hand. This already was seedy, but it seemed that things were about to get even seedier, as Mr. Salmond, a man who had been serving the country since the 70s (Though under the faux socialist 79 group within the party at the time, before they were banned from the SNP's ranks. What a time to think that the SNP used to be against extreme left-wing thought within their party), was arrested by Scottish police in January 2019 under 14 offences, including two counts of attempted rape, nine of sexual assault, and two of indecent assault. This is the case which he then came to win, and was cleared of all charges for on the 23rd of March 2020, as lockdown began. He left with 12 charges deemed not guilty, one dropped by prosecutors, and another not proven. 

Now, in light of this, the Scottish Parliament set up a committee on how they had handled harassment complaints, seemingly to prevent false accusations from occurring again in such a manner, however this was simply them trying to investigate what had occurred them to breach their own guidelines. In February of this year the former FM returned again to make claims against the government and particularly against Ms. Sturgeon herself, claiming that the senior figureheads of the party had wanted to take him out of the public eye and into a prison cell for their own gains, allegations of which the current First Minister has disputed, however currently has failed to fully put to rest.

With evidence in the current enquiry currently suggesting that Salmond was right in his thoughts, supporting some of his assertions at the potentially criminal nature of some developments against him by the SNP, namely a meeting held within Sturgeon's home with not only the First Minister, but with other major leaders within the party which wasn't recorded, a clear break of ministerial code, which may be what dooms Nicola Sturgeon, as well as the confidence within the Scottish public over the SNP themselves.

As it currently stands, the First Minister is being investigated on whether she had broken the ministerial code, though the outcome is unsure.

This is a brief summary of the recent events which have lead up to the situation we're in, and while there may be some information missing, as I don't have all known facts, here is what I see coming as a prediction.

Now, while it may be hopeful for me to say that Sturgeon is found guilty, part of me which recognizes the power held by the SNP, and its various connections to other individuals wants to say that they will either obfuscate or outright deny any wrongdoing of the First Minister, with this happening so close to an election in May, this may have disastrous results for the party going forward if the rival parties in Scotland (Namely the Scottish Conservatives) manage to win voters through an appeal to those unsatisfied with many parts of the current leadership's decisions. However, with the lack of much fight from groups like the Scottish Tories and Labour, as well as the other handful of irrelevant tossers who seek to simply look cool in front of everyone else who votes, I doubt the SNP will be giving up their vice-like grip on the country.

There is a very clear fork in the road for the country, however I am unsure if Scotland will make the right decision... Anyway, that's a brief summary and my thoughts on the matter, I know that Scottish politics may not be known to anyone, however I still believe that it may be important to know, especially to those down south of me wondering what the hell two fish are doing fighting over a party which is still trying to push for a vote that was already called 7 years ago.

Until next time, ya dirty punks, this has been Em, now off with you!

[I am not a gay fish] - Em.
