Flip Flop: SAGE's hands firm in their stance up PM Johnson's ass (23.2.21)

 Hey there, ya dirty punks! Hope you're all doing well in this alternate timeline we all seem to share the pain of existing in. Well, we're doing another news dump today, so let's pull off today's soiled Huggies and see what's cooking!

Now, as you are no doubt aware, we've heard the unsurprising announcement that the "road to freedom" touted by the government in the UK all but a few butt-fucking days ago, is already being walked back on by not only the PM and human shaped punching back Hancock, but the snake oil salesman in SAGE too. As it stands, we're looking at maybe 8 weeks before we can see people, and that is with intensive restrictions, on a blue moon... and a leap year... and when the fucking planets align, do you need a more clear bit of proof that these fucks are gaming you?

I've already made my opinion crystal clear on lockdown, it's a sham! A snowjob, a nothingburger with everything but the pickles for god's sake. COVID-19 is a real thing though, don't get me wrong, but it's not even an iota of the risk that people always retort with when I explain my position. But now, we're seeing the same topsy turvy bullshit being expressed again.

I mean, look at this image, look at this! They're proving the point.

Ah yes, there is a maybe, sorta, slightly might be a probably chance that you can meet one other person, what a fucking time we live in.

Well, suppose that all the proof hasn't been enough for the government, they don't need to perform within the desires of the people, they only need to appease their corporate masters, like SAGE, or the people who fund these blatantly false fucking accusations. When has SAGE been right? Really, I wanna know. Because to spite their namesake, say very little aside from fuck, with a heaping side order of all.

They're saying we might be out of this in June, but I honestly don't believe it, this is a grain of hope to throw to the peasants to dissuade their riots. 3 weeks to flatten the curve, right?? Is what I would say if I needed to prove to anyone that I was right with all of this bullshit. Look, those with any ability to question what the government or media says has already said those same words, and we're all still sitting here following the same rules. Best thing to do? Sit and fucking wait. We all know shit is fucked, so why try and prevent people from feeling the result of their actions? When your Maskurbator neighbour complains to you about the cost of their taxes or how they can't find a good job, tell them that they made the bed.

I think, as I said in my previous post, ultimately we need to tackle things differently, there is no point in staying perpetually mad at the way the world is right now, at least not until may when we can ballot these bastards out of here, though I regret to say that it may not be likely. I'll be honest here, if not to get my own hopes up, than to make sure you adjust yours, this shit will not be solved by the next election. Chances are, it might even get worse, as both major political parties in Scotland and England are lacking any serious competition. Scottish Conservatives are all talk, but no action, and Labour may as well be on their knees sucking up to the poor decisions made by Johnson's gaggle of totalitarian titwanks. Look, this won't go away unless we fucking make it, so grab your fellow travellers by the face cloth and tell 'em if they really want to do this forever, ask them if they want their kids to be doing this, and if they answer yes, then ask someone less brainwashed.

Anyways, gang, that may be be for today. Until next time, ya dirty bastards, I'll see you round!

[Yes! no! maybe? Give me liberty or give me death] - Em.
