Disconnection: Life outside the wheel of perpetual anger and a personal note. (22.02.21)

 Hey there!

It's been a little while, Punks, and for that I apologize. I thought today that I'd act as your surrogate step-dad and sit you down for an important talk, especially at the moment.

We talk about a lot of politics on PRPM, not just because it's important, but because it's a better way of dealing with the world today than simply living disconnected from all of its events, but I have learned recently that living in the headlines is a frustrating, depressing and isolating thing when done in the extreme. I've been following the Coronatarian catastrophe since we basically got holed up in this back in March, and spent my 19th birthday kicking a beer can down the road, cigarette in tow, the feeling of isolation was masked by the novelty of it back then. Now we're almost a year in, and things have changed a lot for people. What I can say for certain about this whole situation though that has been good is the political literacy of the world has been improved. I mean, do people remember what it used to be like before the days of Trump, China and the political class? Some would say we're in a more informed age, though I think that's had it's drawbacks too.

It's great that we're all connected, living and breathing among the world today, but I wonder if people have forgotten the small things, how it used to be. I'm not advocating for completely leaving the world behind and escaping, this shit is important! What I'd like to propose however is that you find things that you want to talk about too. Who is your favourite band? What do you do as a hobby? Tell me something about yourself! What holds people together should be more than aligning political views and hatred of systems we ultimately make little difference in (Though I hope we gain more power).

I'll tell you a bit about myself, a small thing no doubt but one that made me verge on tears. I hooked up my analytics today after class and learned about, well, you! The people reading this, I learned where you are from, what OS you use, and how you find me. I couldn't be happier to have done that, because I felt like I wasn't doing this for nothing. So, thank you, it means the world to me that you're reading this, and that I have an audience of my own, however small, you are all appreciated.

So, when the world gets you down, don't forget the things that you can do to get out of the funk, okay? Personally, it's collecting feathers, writing poetry, listening to music and keeping up with friends, but for everyone it differs. You aren't alone, and you are appreciated, so don't feel like it's all doom and gloom.

Anyway, that'll be it for today. I know it's not a piping hot rant from yours truly, but it's something to think about, put it in your hat.

Come back tomorrow for another dose of PRPM, where we flog the corpse of punk rock together, like family. See ya later, ya dirty punks!

[I'm not crying, you're crying!!] - Em.
