Fear without reason (30.1.21)

What would you say is the scariest thing on planet earth? Would it be Yellowstone National Park's supervolcano waiting to erupt? Would it be the fact that the Large Hadron Collider in every use has the potential to create a black hole and rip all of humanity from it's place? Or, just maybe, is it as simple as a politician getting an idea. I've noticed a very unusual pattern, from politicians in many places, from Ireland to the UK and the US. It seems to me that it may be the case that the goalposts are being shifted, though I suppose when the world went into an economic hell over "3 weeks to flatten the curve" I suppose I can't be too surprised. 

This change you might ask? When quizzed on what the future of the COVID pandemic will be, whether we'll have that wishful return to "normalcy" (which just means, folks, that they take their mask off after they do their conferences), they opt to be rather opaque, not quite the transparent, either refraining to comment on the truthful state of the world post-lockdown or willingly jumping into bed with the thought that they will lock down countries entirely over this winter coming (Yes, December 2021, you fuckin' heard me right, they're planning this now), and restricting abroad travel to prevent covid from coming back, because of course the best cure for an illness that was easy to catch from the start, what with it being spread from droplets we expel when we talk to be combated is Government regulation, my fucking arse!! 

I am sick, and tired of this, I feel like the world has been put into a permanent state of fear, with the willing populus all too willing to co-operate at the cost of any business not large enough to survive months of extended shut-ins and anyone who thrived on venues or social functions to make their income being thrown under the bus. This speaks volumes of the greed that some people have, they say that it's selfish of "rulebreakers" (I.E. Normal fucking people) to go out and get their hair cut, or have a picnic, but they're the selfish ones for basically dooming the world to governmental serfdom for the mere thought that maybe working from home will mean they don't have to talk with Linda. Well, you know what? Fuck Linda, and fuck you! 

Do you want to know the real cost of COVID? The real cost of the actions made by these smarmy empty suits and craptivistic middle class wankers is? It's found in the youth of this fucking nation, of this country.


The markup in children's mental health issues has been fucking devastating, these people are the next generation for fuck's sake, the young people who will pay for government furlough, and the pensions of the bastards who wrote this stuff into law when they're too old to work their corruption into the world. Not only this, but even younger children, newborns, they are having issues with natural development without the ability to interact with people face to face, do you realize that? That is something that I feel the 30-somethings who support this shit forget about, there will be a whole generation scarred by lockdown, not just from government actions, but also from potentially abusive parents, as was always going to be the case with stay at home orders. 

This is the future that we got, but not one that we have to live with, don't be afraid of rebelling, even at the cost of social isolation, fuck the people who support these actions, and fuck the government who continues to enforce them. They act like they're making "tough decisions", but they seem to only pick the same fucking one every time. A government's role is to do the most good for the most people, but frankly I only see them kicking this can down the road, and they think "killing grandma" is the worst that would happen if people would be let out, but look at the damage that this joke of a government has brought to the people who are the most vulnerable. 3.5 million unemployed and on the scrap heap, millions of pounds in business lost that've sunk the businesses of many, and a generation scarred for life, all because of a virus that only endangers the most ill and elderly. It should sound weird to anyone that they've not spoken a word about what they'll do about people who don't want this vaccine, or how they plan to get out of lockdown after this, part of me thinks they've not thought of it themselves.


Don't be fooled, there is dirty business going on. But, that'll have to do it for today, punks, I'll be with you tomorrow for more rants, peace! 








[Masks don't even work, they just make you look like a tool] - Em.
