Punk Rock Postmortem's "Where the fuck 'ave I been?" Post (23.12.20)

 Arrr ya ready kids? Are ya fuckin' sure? Because I hope you are for your own sake. After a week off and a couple of days interest on that due to me potentially coming down with a case of the commie coof (Don't worry, it's not contagious in text, unlike what the neds in Parliament say, though we'll get to that in a bit. I've got a lot of stuff to cover in the week and a bit that I've gone, your boy went to the big city! And, to be quite honest? I loved it!

Now, a bit of background here. I met my girlfriend back in late September of this year on fuckin' Reddit of all things (Suppose this is proof that not every girl on there is a dude in his 40s with a BO problem and hands so caked with moisturizer that they could reflect sunbeams to disintegrate incoming ants). She's my type of girl, that's all I'll say, since this isn't a fuckin' diary, but I love her, and I finally got to show that in person last week, which is why I took a break to enjoy myself. So, I stayed in her side of town, Southgate in London. We took photos, had a laugh, and I finally got the chance to take my spiritual pilgrimage to Camden Town, the storied home of the English punker, where folks like The Sex Pistols and Joe Strummer would bum around like hobos with better fashion sense, it was a dream come true, and I'm glad I got to do it with someone who I care about so deeply. I'll be making a post of my holiday photos, so you can look forward to that, as well as a piece of my girlfriend's art which I believe deserves a spotlight.

However, it's not all sunshine, sausages and pancakes in the world right now, unless you've been living under a rock this last week, you'd know that the UK is locked down harder than Sturgeons bat-infested cock stable, with a highly infectious strain of COVID that... really nobody should be surprised about unless they failed 3rd year Biology. Like, the government are treating this seriously?? This is a blessing in disguise, as a less damaging strain of a virus with higher infection chance could be what we need to make this bullshit closer to a seasonal flu than the black fuggin' death. You know what else was a deadly virus that slowly became something we infect our infant children with to build an immunity? Chicken pox, that'll be the way that it goes with any luck, but sadly it seems that governing bodies would rather our national industry and small business go down the drain instead with an oppressive lockdown in the middle of the festive season, the same kind of oppressive lockdown that PM and all around laughingstock Boris Johnson said would be "inhumane". I hope to god that little Timmy finds an ASDA or TESCO voucher in his stocking come the 25th, because other than that I don't think he'll have anywhere else to buy anything if these totalitarian titwanks have anything to say about it. As always, my opinion on this shit is simple, boiled down into a fine essence over the whole year, here goes... DON'T FUCKING VOTE FOR THESE PEOPLE NEXT YEAR! Honestly, if people wake up and start giving a shit about the effects of these lockdowns instead of saying something like "Oh well, it's a shame" or "It's for the greater good" then maybe we'll see some resemblance of infrastructure next year, if we're not living life like Amish settlers by 2021. 

Lastly on the Christmas agenda this year, I've got my playlist of the week! As well as a brief announcement, going into 2021 I plan to make at least 2 posts each month, and at least 2 playlists each month, of 10+ songs a piece, think that'll be a far easier structure to fit with college starting again in January. So, without further a due, time for another instalment of This week's tunes. Today's selection of bands is as follows 


Not a jaw dropping selection, but something to really ring in a punk new year! So, until next time, I shall be prepping my end of year address. See ya later, Assmunch!! And god bless.

[All I got for Christmas was my teeth knocked out] - Em.

