Photo of the whenever 2: End of year shannanagans (27.12.20)

 Hello, and welcome to another segment of "Photo of the whatever", the segment where I become your annoying aunt and show you all of my photos regardless of your consent, and today I've got a mighty selection for you, as I will be dropping all of my photos from this month, including my trip to London. 

Going from chronological order, I have the photos from my London trip (For information on that, check out my last post, the big "Where the fuck 'ave I been post". But, back on track, these are a selection of photos taken from my trip to see my girlfriend, starting with the ones we took together. 

Firstly, I've got a joint second best photos from my trip, a picture of me and the girl I travelled 500+ miles to see alone. I was nervous initially, but I don't really think that the whole airport experience for the first time wasn't too difficult, I'd recommend it to anyone wanting to gain some independence! These were taken on the last day, with the thought of "Hey, let's take some cute couple photos together to keep, so we have proof that we actually met", which I think was one of the best decisions that I made, because I'm a proud man to keep these in my wallet.  

My girlfriend in that photo is actually wearing my favourite jacket, I gave it to her as a Christmas present. It's sprayed down with my cologne.

After these two, I've got the photo that my girlfriend kept, and this one is the most important to me. This one wasn't planned, and was actually something we were both wanting to do. We had a 3-second count in to take the photo and I decided to go for something ballsy, but it paid off massively, and it's my favourite photo of this whole month, if not the entire year.



I can't say I have any words for this one, this is just a beautiful photo, captured in physical form. A perfectly preserved, almost crystalline form of that 5 day span of time, a kiss shared as a split second decision that both parties wanted. I'm a lucky man, I swear that up and down. 

After that photo however, things take a bit of a drop off. I've got another Polaroid here, sadly of a far lesser emotional value, but they're decent enough, right? The first one was from when we decided to visit Camden in London, a place I've been wanting to go and see for years. Camden has massive significance to Punk's British bloodline, like taking a trip down to 53rd and 3rd but with less male prostitutes and more on trend stalls. When I think about the time I spent in Camden and Covent Garden (which we visited afterwards), I think of the one random dude running a food stall who gave me and my girlfriend some free food, that chicken was actually amazing. 

Trying to get this photo was such a pain, I basically had to step back far enough for my camera to be within view, as I have no zoom feature on the two stones I bash together to create these things 

But, that'll do it for today, kids! Hope you guys enjoy these photos, because I absolutely love taking them. But, until next time, this is the end of your second "Photo of the whatever" 

[Until next time, I'll be watching] - Em.
