
Showing posts from December, 2020

Photo of the whenever 2: End of year shannanagans (27.12.20)

 Hello, and welcome to another segment of "Photo of the whatever" , the segment where I become your annoying aunt and show you all of my photos regardless of your consent, and today I've got a mighty selection for you, as I will be dropping all of my photos from this month, including my trip to London.  Going from chronological order, I have the photos from my London trip (For information on that, check out my last post, the big "Where the fuck 'ave I been post". But, back on track, these are a selection of photos taken from my trip to see my girlfriend, starting with the ones we took together.  Firstly, I've got a joint second best photos from my trip, a picture of me and the girl I travelled 500+ miles to see alone. I was nervous initially, but I don't really think that the whole airport experience for the first time wasn't too difficult, I'd recommend it to anyone wanting to gain some independence! These were taken on the last day, wi

Punk Rock Postmortem's "Where the fuck 'ave I been?" Post (23.12.20)

 Arrr ya ready kids? Are ya fuckin' sure? Because I hope you are for your own sake. After a week off and a couple of days interest on that due to me potentially coming down with a case of the commie coof (Don't worry, it's not contagious in text, unlike what the neds in Parliament say, though we'll get to that in a bit. I've got a lot of stuff to cover in the week and a bit that I've gone, your boy went to the big city! And, to be quite honest? I loved it! Now, a bit of background here. I met my girlfriend back in late September of this year on fuckin' Reddit of all things (Suppose this is proof that not every girl on there is a dude in his 40s with a BO problem and hands so caked with moisturizer that they could reflect sunbeams to disintegrate incoming ants). She's my type of girl, that's all I'll say, since this isn't a fuckin' diary, but I love her, and I finally got to show that in person last week, which is why I took a break to enj