What happens next year? A punk outlook on 2020 (25.11.20 - 5:03pm)

So, it’s a month until Christmas, and only 6 days after that we end off our 2020, what a fucking trip. Honestly, if I had to pick a year where the silly switch was on from the word go, it’d be this year. Mind you, do you think we should even count this as a year? Nobody has been able to do fucking anything, aside from of course Amazon or the governments of the world, those two have been having the best year of their lives!

Personally, I don’t think I’d count 2020 as a year that I did anything, if it weren’t for meeting my girlfriend and starting my course, fuck, I’d call this 2019 the 2nd. But, hyperbole aside, what happens next? The reason I ask that is because I genuinely don’t think anyone is thinking ahead of this moment right now in our history, I’m yet to see someone raise the question of ideas like bodily autonomy, human rights and the economic cost of government enforced shutdowns, things that will plague the world for far longer than any virus. 

What’s going to happen? If I don’t want to get jabbed with a vaccine that I don’t think has had nearly enough time to be tested effectively, am I going to have my right to free movement restricted? Have people forgotten that the government can’t make that decision? It’s beyond their jurisdiction, as with any inalienable human right. It seems that to me, the pot is warming up, and the frogs within are still negligent of the fact that it’s getting toasty. Personally, I’d rather take my chances hopping around on the kitchen floor, as opposed to being some globalist’s lunch.

[Texted from a safe distance of two metres, wearing a full hazmat suit to avoid coofing] - Em.
