What the fuck is rebellion anymore? (30.11.20 - 12:17pm)


 Much like the term “Democratic Socialist”, I believe that “the punk community” is a complete contradiction of terms. How the fuck is punk rock about rebelling against a system and being yourself when you actively congregate and create an echo chamber where only accepted opinions are allowed is beyond me. It’s a bit like how people who are supposedly all about freedom of speech and empowerment always seem to support government officials who seek almost exclusively to restrict the rights of their people, and enforce Draconian and totalitarian law to create a neo-serf class of people (cough The SNP cough.) It’s all quite confusing to someone like me.

I don’t get it, we all wear the same fucking brands, we all circle-jerk the same group of bands who align with a certain kind of politics, from a different time period which is completely different to our own, and these people think they’re part of some rebellion when the mainstream media and fucking brands are agreeing with their causes? It’s fucking stupid. When CNN, Google, Facebook and Amazon are supporting your “#Resistance”, I don’t think you’re part of the rebellion anymore. 

 I’ve had the misfortune of debating every commie I’ve come across, and every supposed anarchist who wouldn’t survive a minute without Government funny money and their Reddit account, and still I can never seem to understand why these types of ideologies are so prevalent in a group of people who should be against large government. Am I out of touch? I have no idea.

 Perhaps I wasn’t born at the right place in the right urban area, my life in the country has given me a very different outlook it feels, where I actually want to own things, and not let the government steal half my income to fund projects I will never reap the benefit of, but enough about the NHS! Let’s try to brighten things up before I fuck off again for another few days lol. 

 Here’s the whitepill for you all, gang. Being punk doesn’t mean that you follow any of the rhetoric that these fucking soybean latte sipping socialists believe in, you don’t have to think about how much you hate Donald Drumpf every 5 fuckin’ minutes and express it online, you don’t have to do anything like that. The key to being an actual rebel is thinking for yourself, being open to new ideas and expressing your opinions regardless of what the reaction is. Personally, I’m not ashamed to admit I’d have voted Republican if I were living in the US, I think Donald Trump did a lot of good (despite what the MSM think), and I don’t think socialism is ever going to work. Those opinions don’t make me a monster, or a poser, they make my opinion my own. 

 Don’t let the tint of another man’s glasses stop you from seeing that your house is burning down. Make your own opinions, do your own research, and don’t conform to the opinions of people who try to tell you that your money is better spent on the collective when they spent their money on fucking Reddit badges.  

[Cruisin' around in my GTO] - Em.
