
Showing posts from March, 2021

SNP: Civil War. How false accusations may cause the death of Scotland's most notorious party (4.3.21)

 Hey there, everyone! I'm back with another hot, sticky, information load to glaze your face with. It's been quite a week, trying to keep on top of college work has made things pretty sparse over here, and instead of simply apologizing every post like I have been, I'll just focus on creating good content, because ultimately constraining myself to a routine hasn't worked well. First up on the chopping block, we're taking a look back to my fatherland to talk about the current state of the SNP Civil War that's been going on for that last little while, as it's reached a new point where things may hang in the balance for the current acting First Minister: Fish lips, the talking plank of authoritarian wood! Jokes aside, I hope that the Scottish authorities don't find me, because I don't have the clout to get out of it the same way that Dankula did (Nor the sense of humour). Now, for those not in the know whether intentionally or unintentionally, this story