
Showing posts from January, 2021

BBC burns, stock market turns, and why not all journalists go to heaven (31.1.21)

 Well, another day and another round of poorly researched political opinions, but today we're trend hopping! As we tackle the fact that someone did the right thing to the BBC, and a further explanation on the whole WallStreetBets vs Millionaire companies thing, since it's trending even in the mainstream.   Firstly, the good news, the really good news, the fucking fantastic news! Staff at the BBC Scotland building in Glasgow have been forced to evacuate due to a fire. Now, I don't want this to be seen as me advocating for the military execution of mainstream media cucks, but I do think it's pretty damn inviting. This event occurred at 11:30 this morning, with smoke coming from the roof of the top of this metaphorical Mount Doom, fortunately nobody was hurt, but would it kill to maybe send a warning shot or something? A little punch in the nose to the people who help broadcast fear and disarray? Eh, maybe I'm asking for too much, they say if you want something done yo

Fear without reason (30.1.21)

What would you say is the scariest thing on planet earth? Would it be Yellowstone National Park's supervolcano waiting to erupt? Would it be the fact that the Large Hadron Collider in every use has the potential to create a black hole and rip all of humanity from it's place? Or, just maybe, is it as simple as a politician getting an idea. I've noticed a very unusual pattern, from politicians in many places, from Ireland to the UK and the US. It seems to me that it may be the case that the goalposts are being shifted, though I suppose when the world went into an economic hell over "3 weeks to flatten the curve" I suppose I can't be too surprised.  This change you might ask? When quizzed on what the future of the COVID pandemic will be, whether we'll have that wishful return to "normalcy" (which just means, folks, that they take their mask off after they do their conferences), they opt to be rather opaque, not quite the transparent, either refrai